We are proud to be working in partnership with the Paula Carr Trust, delivering Diabetic Foot Screening sessions. These are available on Mondays at our Ashford clinic and at our Folkestone clinic. For a diabetic foot screening appointment please call us on 07359 650965.

If you have diabetes your feet need special attention. This is because diabetes can reduce the supply of blood to your feet and cause a loss of feeling. The medical term for this is sensory neuropathy.
You may not notice that you have lost the feeling in your feet so there is risk that a minor injury could develop into serious complications, including amputation due to gangrene.
You should always see your doctor if you notice any signs of redness, pain, build up of hard skin or changes in the shape of your foot.
You should get your feet checked at least once a year by a doctor, nurse or podiatrist.
Getting your blood glucose levels under control is the best way of preventing neuropathy.
The Paula Carr Trust

How to Book:
Please call us on 07359 650965 to arrange an appointment.
If you are unable to attend, for any reason, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can offer the slot to someone else.