Routine Podiatry/Chiropody Treatment
We examine your foot and lower leg to assess blood flow, feeling and strength. Then we provide a treatment which include routine conditions such as corn enucleation, callus debridement, nail cutting/filing and nail thickness reduction. Prevention is better than a cure so routine management and care is critical for our feet. They are one of the most hard working parts of the body and often the most neglected. Keeping them healthy and in a good condition is important for overall health, wellbeing and comfort.

Heel fissure/Dry cracked Heels
Cracked heels are often a result of extremely dry skin. They form when the skin around the ‘rim’ of the heel becomes dry and thick and increased pressure on the fat pad under the heel causes the skin to split. They can be treated at our clinics with a combination of sharp debridement using a scalpel blade, filing and intensive emollient therapy.

Ingrowing Nail Surgery
Ingrown nails can be incredibly painful and cause repeat infection due to the nail spike not being removed when nails are cut. We offer nail surgery under local anaesthetic which is quick, efficient and a painless way of resolving the problem long term. The procedure involves removal or either all, or part of the painful toenail. Then the nail bed is destroyed to prevent unwanted regrowth.

Biomechanics lower limb Assessment
We undertake a visual gait analysis to understand how well your feet and lower limb function. By assessing the way you walk it helps identify whether muscles, joint and/or nerves are working proficiently. We are then able to identify links between any symptoms you may be experiencing and the position/function of your feet and lower limbs.

Biomechanics Digitsole Podosmart Analysis
The Podosmart system uses the latest technology. Smart insoles with built in sensors and a micro processor which analyse your foot movements. The results give valuable information about your gait and biomechanics, superior to traditional biomechanical examination. This information aids the assessment for prescription of orthotics/insoles and with assessing biomechanical abnormalities.

Orthotic/Insole Fitting
Orthotics/Insoles can improve foot function and decrease symptoms in your feet or legs. They are prescribed and designed to reduce abnormalities in your foot posture and/or function which can affect your legs, knees, hips and lower back. An orthotic/insole device fitting session will be needed once you have been assessed and your prescription manufactured by our Podiatrists.

Verruca Assessment and Treatment Planning
Verruca can mimic other conditions and so it is important to check with us before you start any treatment. After examining your feet and the presenting lesion(s), at your initial assessment, we can advise you on the appropriate management plan for your verrucae. Treatment vary and are dependent upon the size and number of verrucae present, this will be discussed with you at your appointment.

Finger Nail Trimming Service
We are able to offer a fingernail trimming service to our patients on request. This can be a service combined with your podiatry treatment or as a stand alone session if required.

Domiciliary Routine Care Visit
We have an established team of domiciliary practitioners who are able to offer a routine foot care service in the home if you are unable to attend the clinics. We cover Ashford, Folkestone, Dover, Elham, Lyminge, Hythe, Capel Le Ferne, Sellindge, Lympne, Sandgate, Dymchurch, St Mary’s Bay. Please give us a call to enquire whether we can provide a home visiting service in your area.
Heel Pain
Heel Pain can be debilitating and for many it has a major impact on day to day activities.
There is often no obvious cause for the symptoms. There are however, certain factors which increase the risks. Risks include: tightness of the calf muscles, poor cushioning or arch support in your shoes, prolonged standing in unsupportive or very flat footwear, poor foot posture and being overweight.
Common symptoms include pain or tenderness in the heel or arch of the foot. Pain with the first steps taken in the morning or after a period of rest. Walking short distances may improve the pain but longer distances tend to increase the symptoms again. Pain when wearing flat or unsupportive footwear. Pain with sudden stretching of the sole of your foot, such as standing on tip toe. If there is no relief after self-management for 6 weeks it is worth contacting a Podiatrist for further help, treatment and guidance.
Diabetic Foot Care
Why are regular foot health checks important for Diabetics?
Foot complaints are one of the leading causes of hospitalization for people with diabetes. People who suffer with diabetes are at more risk of developing ulcers of the foot and leg due to circulatory problems. Your doctor or diabetic nurse will also advise you to have regular checks with a Foot Health Practitioner, Chiropodist or Podiatrist. Maintaining healthy foot care is critical for diabetics.
Three key complications that are associated with a high risk diabetic patient are; neuropathy which is diminished sensation, poor circulation and also risk of infection. It is also important that nails are not cut too short and the skin around the nail is not broken as this could easily lead to infection in the diabetic foot.
Corns & Calluses
What causes a corn? They are caused by pressure and friction and badly fitting shoes. Corns can be very uncomfortable; you may even feel as if you are walking with a stone in your shoe
Callus is caused by friction and mechanical stress to the foot. Badly fitting shoes or an abnormal way of walking are the cause of the formation of callus.
Treating your corns at home is not always successful. You can buy medicated corn plasters and pads in chemists which often create a bigger issue and as practitioners we strongly recommend you avoid these. Often professional foot health care is needed to deal with this problem effectively. Never cut or dig at corns yourself as this can lead to infection.
Fungal Nail & Skin Conditions
Fungal infections of the feet are very common and contagious and can take a while to eradicate completely. The skin between the toes may become sweaty, cracked, sore, very itchy and often smelly this indicates athletes’ foot. The nails themselves can also become thick and yellow or brown in colour, the end of the nail may start to crack or crumble. This indicates a fungal infection of the nail.
You can self-treat with over-the-counter anti-fungal creams but remember athletes foot sprays are better between the toes than athlete foot or fungal creams. Why? Creams create a moist environment and that is just what we are trying to prevent between the toes!
Persistent Verrucae
Most people have a verruca at some stage in their lives. They are a contagious virus (HPV, The Human Papilloma Virus). A verruca is associated with public areas and specifically swimming pools or warm moist environments where the contagious verruca virus invades the foot through small cuts or abrasions. The verucca can be spread from person to person by contact or via surface contact.
Over the counter verruca remedies can be successfully used, but only in conjunction with regular applications and regular appointments with a Foot Health Practitioner.